Dealing with Moths

It is a very nice thing to have a constant supply of fresh fruit from your backyard, where it is grown. This is a goal that many people work hard to achieve. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who don’t realize how simple it is to get a moderate to severe infestation of worms in their fruit. I am hard pressed to think of an experience that would be more upsetting than biting into an apple that had been plucked from a tree that you had labored over for a long time, only to discover that you had not been vigilant enough with your application of pesticides.

The constant application of pesticides, even though it may appear to be an annoyance, is an important step that should under no circumstances be skipped. The application of pesticides is a straightforward process that doesn’t take up too much time and doesn’t require a lot of effort, so you shouldn’t have to do it too frequently. Believe me when I say that it is well worth your time to simply go out into the yard once every couple of weeks and spray.

The process of spraying might look like it takes a lot of time. After all, you will need to go out and purchase all of the necessary supplies, combine the chemicals, apply them, and then clean up everything that you used during the process. To reach all of the branches of the trees, you may even need to use a ladder at times. If you have several large trees to prune, the entire process could take as long as four hours. Having to do this once every two weeks can become very tedious and irritating very quickly. However, you should never give up and never give in. In most cases, being steadfast in your commitment to spraying regularly will assist in preventing infestations of pests such as moths; however, there are occasions when this is simply not sufficient.
The points where the branches meet the trunk are a good place to look for signs that moths have laid eggs on your trees. If you find something that appears to be a cluster of moth eggs, you should immediately prune the branch it was on and then get rid of it. Examine the remaining parts of the tree in great detail. If the eggs develop into larvae, you would have a significant number of moth larvae crawling all over your tree and eating your fruits. I have no idea how you feel, but just the mere thought of it makes me want to throw up.

When I was younger, I had a friend who was battling a particularly severe case of moth infestation. He looked through all of the fruit on his tree, but he couldn’t find a single one that didn’t have a worm inside of it. In the end, he was forced to cut the whole tree down (the stump was a wriggling mass of white larvae). When I saw it, I promptly threw up. (Damn my delicate stomach!) and have the stump removed by a professional to ensure that there are no remaining traces. It is a terrible injustice to have to begin working on a tree all over again after having put so much time and effort into it.

Moths have never been a problem for me, even though I live in the same region as the friend I was just talking about. This is because during the spring months, every single Saturday, I make it a point to go outside and give my entire tree thorough spraying. To avoid having to chop down a tree and begin the process of replanting everything from scratch due to a lack of diligence on your part, it is preferable to take preventative measures against the invasion of unwanted visitors.

If you have never considered using pesticides in the past, you should make a trip to the gardening supply store in your area as soon as possible. Find out which insects and other vermin are most common in your region and purchase the appropriate pesticides to keep them from ever setting foot on your property. I can’t stress enough how important it is that you don’t brush this off because it will save you a ton of trouble in the long run.

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